Keys To a Thriving Church
In this post-pandemic church era, we must reshape and refocus our ministries. Here are some foundational keys to a thriving, successful church.
Chuck C.
8/16/20232 min read
It's truly my desire to witness a steady increase in the number of healthy and thriving churches that are reaching out to the unchurched. These characteristics can serve as valuable tools for evaluating your own church, offering fresh insights and encouragement for your ministry.
Focus on What Truly Matters
The delight of studying churches that resonate with the unchurched is that they tend to focus on what truly matters. They prioritize the essentials, treating issues like musical style and sermon length with the appropriate weight. These churches maintain clear priorities and unwavering goals.
Biblical, Conservative, and Convictional
It's evident that churches effectively reaching the unchurched hold a steadfast theological conservatism. Their respect for Scripture is paramount, and their convictions about their beliefs shine through. Contextual efforts to engage the unchurched can be valuable, but a strong foundation in the authority of Scripture is essential for enduring impact.
Elevate Evangelism with Zeal
Vibrant churches may have varied worship styles and theological nuances, yet a shared thread among them is their dedication to the authority of God's Word and their fervent commitment to evangelism. This common bond fuels their vibrancy.
Nurture a Comprehensive Small-Group Ministry
The once unchurched were drawn to small groups for two main reasons: a thirst for deeper biblical understanding and the desire to forge connections with fellow believers. Small groups have an immense influence on a church's outreach and integration efforts.
Create a Welcoming Greeter Program
Greeters make a substantial impact on newcomers, and they should be well-trained and easily identifiable. An information-rich welcome center, coupled with personal assistance, is a fantastic way to guide newcomers through the church experience.
Emphasize Friendliness Consistently
Many churches believe they exude friendliness, often based on interactions among existing members. Yet, it's crucial to remind everyone each week to extend a warm welcome, especially to those who are new. The friendliness factor was a significant contributor for nearly four out of five formerly unchurched individuals in their journey to faith.
Pursue Excellence
Subpar music, unkempt facilities, unprepared sermons, and inadequately trained teachers left the once unchurched feeling disheartened. In a world where excellence is expected in various spheres, churches should hold themselves to high standards to avoid deterring potential seekers.
Offer Inquirer and New Member Classes
The majority of the previously unchurched willingly attended inquirers' classes before making their commitment to Christianity. By the time they ventured to a church, their curiosity about the church had grown.
Encourage Active Ministry Participation
Repeatedly, the formerly unchurched expressed their desire not to remain on the sidelines. These new believers eagerly seek opportunities to engage, and their enthusiasm is truly infectious. However, it's unfortunate that some churches, while adept at attracting the unchurched, struggle to retain them beyond a few months.
Harness the Profound Power of Prayer
I don't mention the significance of prayer as an afterthought; rather, I emphasize that it's integral to reaching the unchurched. Effective churches consistently prioritize prayer, and this emphasis on seeking divine guidance was a common thread I encountered.
I'm convinced that these characteristics can serve as invaluable signposts on your journey to create a vibrant and impactful church community that resonates with both the unchurched and those seeking spiritual connection. Your passion for community building and your knowledge of the Word of God make you uniquely equipped to lead this charge.
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